I would do a tracert to std.hamachi.logmein.com
Make sure you're not being blocked\ there's not any packet losses or too many hops (50+)
The whitelisting for LogMeIn can be found here help.logmein.com/articles/en_US/FAQ/Whitelisting-and-LogMeIn I would strongly advise in whitelisting on the network firewall if one is present.
I would do a tracert to std.hamachi.logmein.com
Make sure you're not being blocked\ there's not any packet losses or too many hops (50+)
The whitelisting for LogMeIn can be found here help.logmein.com/articles/en_US/FAQ/Whitelisting-and-LogMeIn I would strongly advise in whitelisting on the network firewall if one is present.