Hey there,
I'm trying to connect some PCs with Hamachi, but I can't connect two PCs to each other. So I setted up Hamachi on every PC, and it works fine with some PC but I get the relayed tunnel on two PCs. So, let me explain: I have a total of 4 PC on 4 different networks that I'm trying to connect with Hamachi.
Let's call them PC 1,2,3 and 4. PC 3 and 4 can connect to any other PC with no problem, but PC 1 and 2 can correctly connect only to PC 3 and 4, and I'll get a relayed tunneling between PC 1 and 2. I've been trying to solve the problem for a few days and I've tried different solutions but none works. Here a list:
I opened the modem's port for ever PC
I tried reinstalling hamachi
I added an exception in the firewall
I setted a local UDP and TCP adress on Hamachi
I'm pretty much out of ideas, can anyone help me fix this problem?