I've been in contact with Hamachi support about this matter.
Running on Windows 10 Pro 64bit, on a microsoft domain.
We do have a managed firewall, and ALL traffic between *.hamachi.cc and the intended computer has been allowed.
Hamachi is running, says connected, with NO Ip Address.
I can tracert to hamachi.cc however, the last hop, #18, responds as 'request timed out' but I don't
know if that is by design, (as you can't PING hamachi.cc) the hop before is *.ntwk.msn.net (used a
few different networks to see if it was the same path, and they do vary slightly).
I've uninstalled, reintalled, repaired hamachi.
Removed and manually re-installed the hamachi network adaptor.
in looking at the network properties, on this install, I noticed a difference between what
is checked/enabled vs another Hamachi install I have, however that is on Win7pro-64,
so I didn't know if that was by design.
Only the QOS, MS LLDP Driver, and the link-layer objects (2) are checked/enabled,
the others are not.
I ran the diagnostic tool, everything is 'ok' and shows 'connected' but NO iP address...
What can I check / do to troubleshoot further?
Thank you!