Same issue here:
I have raspberry pi 1 B+
already tried using the latest raspbian jessie and jessie lite and I always get the same issue.
2016-03-18-raspbian-jessie-lite.deb 2016-03-18-raspbian-jessie.deb
hamachi version I already tried are
logmein-hamachi_2.1.0.139-1_armhf.deb logmein-hamachi_2.1.0.139-1_armel.deb
lsb and lsb-core installed before installing hamachi still same issue.
The way I installed hamachi
#wget <hamachi version here> #apt-get update #apt-get install lsb lsb-core -y #dpkg -i <hamachi version here> #hamachi login #hamachi attach <my email address here> #hamachi set-nick rpi1bplus go to logmein hamachi website Under My Network, approve the pending then join it to your existing network if you have
The issue is... I can install hamachi... at the very end this is what I get after installing
Setting up lsb-core (4.1+Debian13+rpi1+nmu1) ... ld-lsb-*.so.1 symlink for armhf is unknown! Setting up logmein-hamachi ( ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/lsb/install_initd", line 46, in <module> headers = initdutils.scan_initfile(initfile) File "/usr/lib/lsb/", line 79, in scan_initfile inheaders = RFC822Parser(strob=headerlines) File "/usr/lib/lsb/", line 24, in __init__ fileob = StringIO(strob) TypeError: initial_value must be unicode or None, not str
Hamachi is running if I will check with
ps -ef | grep hamachi
And I can verify in the website of logmein that my raspberry pi is up and acquired an IP address and it is GREEN
But when I try to access my from the same network of hamachi vpn, pi is not pingable and accessible.
When I checked PI, I verified hamachi is running but there are no added routes and there is no interface for hamachi... there is no TUN interface for the IP I acquired and I am not able to ping my other devices that are online and in the same hamachi network.
this is so frustrating.... I was able to make this work before using wheezy using same approach.
Anyone got a solution?