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Hamachi in games


I've searched everywhere but i have found no solution whatsoever for this... I was a long term user of hamachi but now i found a barrier, windows 10. Nowhere on the internet i've found a solution, bad luck ? wrong terms in the search bar ? maybe and if so im sorry but i really cant use the hamachi to play with my friends in online lan.

Situation: 5 people wanting to play age of empires 3 for example, we can all play in the same network but if we are separated which we previously used hamachi for that we cant seem to be able to play and the windows 10 will always prefer the internet connection over the hamachi connection and as such the ip adress that appears ingame is not the hamachi.


Tried the most simple thing go to advanced settings to prioritise the hamachi connection but it cant be done, it doesnt appear as it did in the past.

Tried the turn off internet, turn the game, make the room reconnect and it didn't work at all.

Tried reinstall everything and it didn't work

Tried portforwarding and everything else i found on the internet and nothing... most of the tutorials are for pre windows 10.


I really need help with this problem please many old but good games official servers died and we are looking to overlook that and revive the old days.

Re: Logging in error - your browser does not accept cookies


go to internet explorer, go to settings and internet options and in advanced settings switch off disable script debugging (other)

Hamachi goes to Self Diagnosis


I am new with VPN use and have had Hamachi running for about two weeks as a hobbyist with good results.  I am not sure after the 2 week free trial if there is anything to change in my settings.  My problem, when I click on the Hamachi icon I normally use to start Hamachi, it come up in the Self Diagnosis screen.  Hamachi service shows stopped, Files and Folders OK, Driver OK.  I am logged into Log Me In and can bring up the Client window that showed the computer online.  I am able to view the remote networks which are connected to this computer which are 3.  In the self diagnosis window I can select Hamachi Service, and click Start, and it quickly tries so start Hamachi and it runs through 3 display lines on the Hamachi service line selection but the are so quick I cant read what they say but it ends up with Service Status : Stopped.  Files and folders and Drivers still okay.  I have tried running it under administrator but no help.  Any ides of getting it to run or does something change after the 14 day trial?

Re: RE: Remove Some Computers In Network List


Would you mind  sharing how to remove a computer in a network list.  I have a similar problem on Windows 10 Home.  Thanks

Re: Cannot install hamachi because of previous version


@Skyr0z:  Good advice. Here's an improvement: in Registry Editor, once you are at Software\Classes\ use Edit > Find to look for the string "Hamachi" (without the quotes). This avoids having to open each Class entry to look inside. It will find the class for "LogMeIn Hamachi" instantly.

Re: Stuck in Activating/Configuring/Deactivating Loop


Me too. One of my clients of a Gateway-mode network has this activating/deactivating loop problem. Another works fine and connects first time. All computers are on Hamachi - the current version.

Re: Stuck in Activating/Configuring/Deactivating Loop


I fixed this by Removing the client from the Network (using the Hamachi web admin for the network) and then immediately adding the client back into the network. No restarts or config changes necessary. Odd and unexplained but easily fixed.

Can Hamachi & LMI be used on same computer?


I use LMI to access other computers, but I need Hamachi to access my server. I don't know how to activate Hamachi in my computer.

Hamachi Network adapter not present, can't install it.


I've tried reinstalling hundreds of times, it will not work, trust me. After installing, any time I try to join a network, I join it, and soon after I get a tunneling error yellow triangle message, if you go into the details, it says "Failed to connect to the network adapter. Peer is not accessible via VPN." So I thought the problem was that there is no Hamachi 2 adapter in the adapter settings, but when I try to add a driver through the steps in the FAQ, I need to use a hamachi.inf file, that is not present nor in my installation folder, neither in every other Hamachi folder.


Any help acquiring the hamachi.inf file?

Re: Stuck in Activating/Configuring/Deactivating Loop


Are these clients by any chance acting strange after switching roles in a GW network?

Re: Hamachi: Tunneling Problem - VPN Error


I was getting the tunneling error with LogMeIn Hamachi and, after many hours, was finally able to fix it.


I have two computers running Windows 7 SP1 64 bit on a Mac mini (late 2012 version) via Boot Camp with LogMeIn Hamachi installed:
* One computer ("the good machine") was working fine: Hamachi on the good machine had no tunneling errors; and other machines in my VPN could connect to the good machine.
* A second computer ("the bad machine") had problems with Hamachi. I could start Hamachi; but after a couple minutes, the other machines listed in Hamachi would show that yellow triangle and the tunneling errors; and other computers in the VPN could not connect to the bad machine. Also, the bad machine only had an IP4 ip address, whereas the good machine (and the other good machines on my VPN) all had both IP4 and IP6 ip addresses.



On the good machine, when I looked in Windows 7 in Device Manager, under "Network adapters", it listed "Hamachi Network Interface". The good machine also showed Hamachi when I looked at Network Connections in Control Panel.
On the bad machine, when I looked in Windows 7 in Device Manager, under "Network adapters", it did NOT list "Hamachi Network Interface". The bad machine also did NOT list Hamachi when I looked at Network Connections in Control Panel.



I then tried to manually install the Hamachi Network Interface adapter on the bad machine using the Windows Hardware Wizard ("hdwwiz"). Instructions for how to do that are here:
But I ran into a problem when trying to manually install the adapter:
After the steps where I click "Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced)" and then click "Network adapters", I'm supposed to see a "Have Disk" button. But clicking the "Network adapters" button messed up the resolution on the Hardware Wizard window. It couldn't be resized to show the Have Disk button. (Now that I think of it, I may have been able to change the system font size to be smaller on Windows to shrink all the buttons.)
To fix it, I restarted the computer, kept pressing F8, and then started the computer in Safe Mode.
In Safe Mode, i was able to run the Hardware Wizard and see the Have Disk button.

However, when I clicked Next a couple times to complete the installation, I got an error with the installation:
The following hardware was not installed:
Hamachi Network Interface
An error occurred during the installation of the device.
The Parameter is incorrect


I then found a LogMeIn help thread with a fix:
There was a post by "natedogith1" at 02-28-2012 09:14 PM saying this:
"I found the issue :) it had something to do with an improper HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\Config
I fixed it by deleting the key"

After I did that, I was able to install the driver using the Hardware Wizard without an error.
I first did the manual install of the Hamachi Network Interface driver using Hardware Wizard ("hdwwiz") in Safe Mode.
Then I restarted to Normal Mode and still had the Hamachi tunneling problems. And Hamachi Network Interface still did not show up in Device Manager > Network Adapters or in Control Panel > Network Connections.
I then uninstalled LogMeIn Hamachi and then reinstalled LogMeIn Hamachi.
Now, when I started Hamachi, I no longer had tunneling errors; I had both an IP4 and an IP6 ip address; the "Hamachi Network Interface" driver showed up in Device Manager > Network Adapters; Hamachi showed up in Control Panel > Network Connections; and, most importantly, other machines on my VPN could now connect to the machine.

If you have the tunneling errors, you probably could just do this:
* Delete that registry key mentioned by natedogith1 above.
* Uninstall and then reinstall LogMeIn Hamachi.


One other note I should mention that may or may not be relevant:
The good machine was running Boot Camp 5.1 whereas the bad machine had been running Boot Camp 5.0.
One early attempt I made to fix the bad machine was to update the bad machine to Boot Camp 5.1 (especially since I read that Boot Camp 5.1 now had 64 bit drivers).
My Mac mini (late 2012) needed to use Boot Camp 5.1.5621. But other Macs use Boot Camp 5.1.5640.
Check which version you need here:
Running the Boot Camp 5.1.5621 installer (to update from Boot Camp 5.0) on my Mac mini took a long time, even with an SSD drive installed.  It took probably a half hour or so and doesn't give much feedback that it's still running and isn't stuck.
A long part of the update (10 - 15 minutes) is where it updates the Intel USB 3.0 Controller.
Since my mouse and keyboard are connected via USB, I couldn't use them to check if the computer was frozen or was just slow.


The only feedback I got was that the time on the clock changed every minute.
Anyway, after 30 minutes or so, Boot Camp finally successfully updated to Boot Camp version 5.1.
Hamachi still had the tunneling problem until I deleted that registry key and uninstalled and reinstalled Hamachi.
So I'm not sure if updating from Boot Camp 5.0 to Boot Camp 5.1 was necessary.



Account cancellation


Please cancell my Hamachi subscription and delete my account.

Re: Hamachi Network adapter not present, can't install it.

Re: Hamachi will connect with IPv4 of




Is your network type a gateway? 


If you're getting as an IP you'll have to manually set the IP ranges for hamachi. 


Just right click on the network and click gateway settings. 





Re: Hamachi will connect with IPv4 of

Re: Stuck in Activating/Configuring/Deactivating Loop


@DVZs: Nothing in the network has changed recently and certainly no client role has changed. The gateway showed the client with a green blob but (unsurpisingly) couldn't ping it while it was in a funny state.

This client had been working happily one day and then a week later it was stuck activating. After a remove / re-add operation it worked again straight away.



Hello All,


I'm trying to set default UI settings for all local user accounts. My understanding is you can create a h2-ui-override.cfg file with the desired UI settings such as:


Gui.ShowSplash 0


This file is supposed to be loaded immediately after hamachi loads hamachi.ini.  Where is the file supposed to live? I assume "c:\users\<Profile>\appdata\local\LogMeIn Hamachi\"


Currently, I cannot get this UI override file to work. Does anyone have any suggestions or maybe more detailed info?





Re: Windows 10 and Hamachi Service


I am using a 'Central' paid subscription, I'm still having this isssue across about 30 of 200 our machines.


Setting the service to auto start and recover doesn't seem to resolve it in each case. Will there be an actual fix issued by logmein?



Re: inbound traffic block, check firewall settings


This is probably a bit late but if anyone still experiences this problem then you can follow this step by step


1. Search "Firewall with Advanced Security" through Start Menu

2. Click Inbound Rules

3. Click New Rule on Left Hand Side

4. Select Program

5. Click Browse and find where Hamachi is Installed (if you're running 64 bit then there will be a x64 folder       otherwise if you're running 32 bit you'll see it straight away)

6. Click "hamachi-2-ui" and continue

7. Change from "Block the connection" to "Allow the connection"

8. You can decide whether this rule applies to all 3 (i reccomend all 3 though)

9. Name the rule "Hamachi" or whayever you want. description is optional

10. Do step 3-9 with Outbound Rules instead


And then you should be done and hamachi should work.

Hopefully this was helpful


beaglebone black BBB hamachi install fail "No such file or directory" armhf FIX


I'm posting this here to help save some time for any of you trying to install hamachi on a beaglebone black running debian. I don't know if it's an issue on angsrtom.


If you install hamachi via the deb package.(as of today Feb 3-2017)

(https://www.vpn.net/linux) to check for current version



wget https://www.vpn.net/installers/logmein-hamachi_2.1.0.174-1_armhf.deb



(they say the lsb packages are no longer required)

sudo dpkg ­­-force--­architecture ­­-force--­depends -­i logmein-hamachi_2.1.0.174-1_armhf.deb


You get a dpkg error at the end of the install 

/etc/init.d/logmein-hamachi: 46: /etc/init.d/logmein-hamachi: /opt/logmein-hamachi/bin/hamachid: not found

and if you attempt => hamachi login you get 

-bash: /usr/bin/hamachi: No such file or directory

or any other hamachi command


The symbolic link /usr/bin/hamachi exists and so does it's target /opt/logmein-hamachi/bin/hamachid but a call to either will result in "No such file of directory"


The problem has been solved by a few smart people on the net as usual but it took me forever to hunt around for it so I will outline the fix and provide the source links below.  


I uninstalled Hamachi first (this may or maynot be nessesary but i like to start from scratch)



sudo dpkg -r logmein-hamachi
sudo dpkg -P logmein-hamachi


Now to fix the problem which is the executable is looking for the library


but the armhf version is (at least on my BBB)



Making a symbolic link seems work around the problem


sudo ln -s /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3 /lib/ld-linux.so.3


(thankyou ShiroiKuma)


For whatever reason linux gives you the "No such file or directory".  The guys who complie the binaries at logmein would have to make a version that looks for the right file or both depending on the linux distro. Or so I assume.


Reinstall Hamachi

(example assumes you're in the deb package directory -  file names to change as new builds come out)


sudo dpkg ­­-force--­architecture ­­-force--­depends -­i logmein-hamachi_2.1.0.174-1_armhf.deb


now rest works


sudo hamachi login
sudo hamachi set-nick "my_nick"
sudo hamachi attach myLogMeInAccout@email.whatever 



login to Logmein.com, approve the request and add the client to your favorite network. 


set it up as a service if you need it running at boot which works with linux


sudo update­-rc.d logmein­-hamachi defaults
see the file /opt/logmein-hamachi/README  for all the hamachi commands



See here for a slighly outdated tutorial on the raspberry pi's (notice LSB in not needed and links are www.vpn.net now).

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