I would like to help you with your problem however, I am not completely familiar with UK's policies, etc. as far as the differences in how programs are distributed and various changes in system performance. I did a little reseearch and found something that might help.
Please read this
Also, try this:
First, close out all Hamachi instances that are currently running on your desktop amd client desktops
Now, in an administrative command prompt, type the following first on your computer, then on at least one client computer:
net stop Hamachi2Svc
net start Hamachi2Svc
start "X:\Filepath\LogMeIn Hamachi\hamachi-2-ui.exe"
**Make sure you tupe in the appropriatefilepathfor the \Hamachi-2-ui.exe file.
For me, it is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Hamachi-2-ui.exe". You must use quotes when using filepath with spaces.
If success, repeat on all other PC's.
I hope this works for you.
If not, I would try Team Viewer VPN or UVNC.