Unfortunately, Hamachi may stop if you logoff or powercycle your PC.
As a safeguard, I added an automatic repeating task to launch a .cmd file that has the following commands:
Open Notepad.exe (runas administrator IMPORTANT!), type the following:
net stop Hamachi2Svc
net start Hamachi2Svc
start "X:\Filepath\LogMeIn Hamachi\hamachi-2-ui.exe"
Then Save As to the C:\Windows\System32 folder as HamachiStart.cmd (or choose your own filename.cmd).
**Make sure you type in the appropriatefilepathfor the \Hamachi-2-ui.exe file.
For me, it is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Hamachi-2-ui.exe". You must use quotes when using filepath with spaces.
Then create an automated task in Task Scheduler to trigger on startup, to run YourHamachiStartProgram.cmd and repeat avery X hours (your preference). The task needs to be set to run with administrative privileges. Because you saved the .cmd program in the System32 folder, there is no need to type a compete filepath.
Hope this helps!